Friday, June 26, 2009

Why a Smaller Home Is a Wise Purchase

There’s no need to downsize your ego when you downsize your house. A more petite palace can offer many advantages and be a place of comfort and joy for you and your family. If you are considering the purchase of a smaller home, rest assured that this decision can have many benefits that go beyond a lower mortgage payment.

Environmentally Friendly
Reducing our consumption of the earth’s resources is a responsible decision. Smaller homes require less energy to heat and cool and less materials to build and maintain. There will be more room on your lot for plants and trees to grow with a smaller home.

Less Work to Maintain
Whether you do the work yourself, or hire someone to do routine maintenance chores for your home, you will save time and money with a smaller house. Think how much quicker and easier it will be to paint or install carpet when there are less walls and floors to be covered. Since the job will less intimidating, you may be inspired to do some projects yourself that you would normally pay someone else to do.

Saves You Money
A smaller home will result in more money in your pocket. Property tax, insurance payments, and utility bills will all be less in a smaller home. This can leave you more money to pay towards the principal, thus increasing your equity more quickly.

Easier to Decorate
It can be fun to decorate a smaller home. When space is at a premium, furnishings and accessories can have more impact, instead of getting lost in all the space of a larger home. You will need less furniture, window coverings, and pictures.

Saves Time Cleaning
Who wants to spend all weekend cleaning bathrooms, dusting, vacuuming, and mopping? More square footage means more time spent performing these chores that can seem like drudgery to the most committed housekeeper. Wouldn’t you rather have a little less housework and a little more free time?

Forces You to Be Organized
Living in a smaller home often means less room for storage; this is not necessarily a bad thing. Almost everyone owns too much stuff and could stand to purge their belongings of unnecessary junk. It is very liberating to be free of deep dark closets full of unknown items you may not have touched in years. We could all use some discipline when it comes to purchasing unneeded goods, and a smaller space will force you to think twice before bringing these things into your home.

A Cozier Space
Small homes can be incredibly cozy. Families that live in close spaces must learn to cooperate and be considerate of others. Children often prefer to share a bedroom with a sibling, and sharing a room will encourage closer relationships as well as time spent playing together.

You Can Afford Better Quality
Perhaps quality is more important than quantity to you. A smaller, more affordable home can leave room in your housing budget for those granite countertops, Berber carpets, premium hardwood flooring, or whatever suits your fancy.

So, can your family live happily in a smaller home? The answer is a resounding yes! Purchasing a smaller home can save you money and lead to a better quality of life as well.

© Allison Van Wig

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